Full Timeline Details
1925 – Founders of ‘THE NORTH ITALIAN CLUB’:
Wm Alessandrini, Leopoldo Betocchi, Primo Bertolo, Verginio Bianchio, Ernesto Bosa, Antonio Cozzarin, Davide Cozzarin, Ambrogio Del Col, Antonio De Roia, Luigi De Roia, Leo Frigo, Frank Girardi, Guiseppe Marson, Pietro Martin, Dante Molinari, Umberto Paquola, Charles Sasena, Frederico Vettor, John Vettor, Steffano Vettor.
1926 – Meetings are held to find ways and means to raise money from social functions to purchase land and construct a building to house the organization in the future.
1927 – The North Italian Club incorporated under the Not-For-Profit Code of the State of Ohio with the name: “The North Italian Social Clun,” on the 21st day of April 1927
Purpose: To promote the social and cultural welfare of its members and the Doing of all things necessary and incidental thereto.
The Founders Who signed the Articles of Incorporation were:
Wm. Alessandrini, D. Cozzarin, F. Girardi, C. Sasena, and F. Vettor.
The By-Laws of the North Italian Social Club were adopted April 1927
9/5/1927 – By Unanimous vote of the Assembly, The Articles of Incorporation of this Club were amended & signed by Luigi De Roia, President; Gerrardo Cozzarin, Secretary; to inlude sick and death benefits for all its members and the name was changed to read “The North Italian Club”.
11/5/1931 – Land for the Future building site of the Clubhouse located on West 33rd Street is purchased from The National Wollen Co. for $2,000.
10/9/1933 – The ground was broken, and the building construction work begins. The members worked day & night and by Thanksgiving Day the roof is completed.
1934 – The North Italian Women’s Auxiliary Club (N.I.W.A.C) founded by The North Italian Club held its first meeting of February 15, at the Tamburo Hall 3404 Clark Ave. On March 15, ninety-three (93) attended.
5/12/1934 – The completed Venetian styled “Clubhouse” located at 3121 West 33rd street Cleveland, Ohio held its gala opening. All 150 Members volunteered to work during the seven (7) month construction project. Newspapers including the Cleveland Press & Plain Dealer published the accomplishments of the Italian Immigrants that had saved money from Social Functions during the many past years, to erect their own building.
1935 – Benefits for St. Rocco Church are held on February 23rd and November 9th by the N.I.C & N.I.W.A.C.
7/10/1935 – The N.I.C. Lapel Pins were issued
8/23/1935 – The North Italian Women’s Auxiliary Club was incorporated under the Non-For-Profit Code under the provisions of Article XVII of the State of Ohio on the 23rd day of August 1935.
The signers of the Articles of Incorporation were Josephine Del Mul, Annunciati Pisatrelli, Italia Santarosa Mion.
10/29/1935 – The North Italian Club, Italian and English code of rules and regulations “The By-laws” were adopted.
1935 – The Great Depression Ends.
Sports & Entertainment
1935 – 1939 – During this period, The North Italian Club formed its Bocce League, Baseball Team and Bowling League. The Glee Club and Theater Group is established by the N.I.C & N.IW.A.C
4/1/1941 – Joseph Monai is the first draftee of the N.I.C. inducted into the US Army.
1940 - AMERICA Prepares to Enter WWII
4/5/1941 – The first issue of The North Italian Club “JOURNAL” is published. The staff consisted of: Enrico Molinari, Mary DeRigo, Vilma Vettor, Nella Del Col, Leonora Martin Bernardina, Elia De Roia, Eda Facca.
5/10/1941 – The Ceremony at St. Rocco Church included the Blessing of The N.I.C. Banner carried by David Cozzarin was sponsored by Antonio De Roia and Maria De Roia: The N.I.W.A.C. Banner carried by Elizabeth Galmarino was sponsored by Tranquillo Marcuz and Mary De Rigo. The flag of The United States of America is carried by Onorato Battaino, The Italian Flag is carried by Francesco Cecchin. The names of both clubs were placed under the protection of: “St. Mark”.
9/20/1941 – The 1st Polenta Dinner was held. The Polentas were made by: Members Cortese, De Anna & Fornasiero. The Sauce by: N.I.W.A.C. Members: Rose Battaino &* Amalia Casola.
12/1/1941 – The “Photograph Composite” of The North Italian Club is completed.